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Statement in Support of our Neighbors of Asian Descent During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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John Wilgers


"During unprecedented times like this, it’s more important than ever that we work together as a united community. The novel coronavirus and resulting COVID-19 pandemic are a global health and economic crisis impacting everyone, regardless of country of origin, income, race or place of residence. All members of our community, including our neighbors of Asian descent, are valued and respected, and attempts to discriminate and divide will not be accepted. Greater Twin Cities United Way supports a community where everyone is afforded the opportunity to thrive, and we do not tolerate racist, xenophobic or discriminatory remarks. We fully support our Asian American neighbors during this very difficult time." – John Wilgers, President & CEO, Greater Twin Cities United Way

As our community navigates the COVID-19 crisis, Greater Twin Cities United Way is committed to supporting those impacted by its effects and bringing the community together in the face of this unprecedented pandemic. Please support these efforts today by donating to the Greater Twin Cities COVID-19 Response & Recovery Fund.

About the Author

John Wilgers is the President and CEO of Greater Twin Cities United Way. A passionate community advocate for more than 10 years, John has served in several United Way roles, including board chair, member of the executive committee of the board, volunteer, fundraiser and donor. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting from the University of Kansas.

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