Greater Twin Cities United Way Vertical Logo Blue

Thank You to Our Partners

Many families are faced with impossible choices when their budgets become tight. Rent or groceries? Medications or air conditioning? Clothes or school supplies? When families have limited resources, school supplies are often at the bottom of the list. 

Through our Action Day initiative, presented by Target, we aim to level the playing field for local families, so kids have what they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond. Thank you to our Action Day partners who make this work possible. 

Acton Day Sponsors
Community Partners

Action Day Sponsors

Action Day, Presented by Target, would not be possible without the support of our partners - including our Minnesota professional sports teams. A special shoutout to the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx for hosting this year's in-person event at Target Center.

Together, we are helping send 45,000 local students back to class with essential school supplies. Thank you!

3M Logo - Greater Twin Cities United Way
Corporate Partner Cargill Logo - Greater Twin Cities United Way

Let Us Partner with You!

United Way is well positioned to be your philanthropic partner. Together, we can collaborate, connect, and create the solution that matches your passions and goals to address a community in need.

Community Partners

Thank you to the more than 130 nonprofit organizations and school districts who help distribute backpacks to students throughout the Twin Cities. 

Nonprofit Leaders

We appreciate the work you’re already doing to support our community. Reach out to learn more about the benefits of partnering with Greater Twin Cities United Way and get involved.

Let Us Partner with You!

United Way is well positioned to be your philanthropic partner. Together, we can collaborate, connect, and create the solution that matches your passions and goals to address a community in need.

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